Posts Tagged Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Stay Away From the Halloween Candy!

       Now that the picture of the Milky Way bar got your attention, I would like to say,


I am tired of saying it…if I wont let Reece have it (my yellow lab) why should a human be consuming it. Yes, it really is that bad if I wont let Reece eat it! Lets take a look and really see what I am talking about…

Lets look at the top 3 candies over the Halloween festivities:

1. Milky Way: 35g sugar in one bar. Need I say more? Why would you want this running through your veins? This food is high in saturated fat, 7g to be exact are from saturated fat alone. A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars. This food also contains Trans Fat. Again, I must ask, why does anyone want this! Moving on to #2…

2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: sugar, corn syrup solids, soy lecithin, TBHQ (what the heck is that?), dextrose (more sugar says Jessica), partially hydrogenated vegetable oil…Enough of that. Does this even need more explanation as to why I wouldn’t even let my dog eat this!

3. Jolly Ranchers: Go lick your tongue through a bowl of sugar, seriously, go ahead, have 4 licks while you are at it. That will almost be the equivalent of what you will get when you eat a Jolly Rancher. Nothing but sugar. NO nutritional value, no service to your body, nothing!

Why did I write this article? Not to make you cringe at what you put into your bodies but perhaps STOP AND THINK next time a milky way passes you by. Think what you are doing to your body and CHOOSE to do something different this year!

This year, reach for pumpkin seeds, apple slices rolled in cinnamon, cocoa, or smeared with peanut butter, or even treat yourself to whole wheat pretzels dipped in real chocolate. It is, after all, trick-or-treat! Happy Halloween everyone. Enjoy!:)

Please comment as I would love to hear and receive tips on how you are distracting yourself from the ‘junk’ and other clean-snack ideas!

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