Posts Tagged Sugar addiction

Hold the Sugar Please!

Are You a Sugar Addict?A quote from The Sugar Detox (2013) by nutritionist Brooke Alpert, states that “sugar is compromising our health, making us fat, lazy, and ugly.” I could not agree more.  It is also turning many of us into addicts.  A study found that when mice were fed a diet with 25% extra sugar (which is the human equivalent of a healthy diet plus 3 cans of soda per day) females died at twice the normal rate and males were less likely to reproduce. It is no surprise that the normal amount of sugar the average American consumes, contributes to alarming levels of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Withdrawals from sugar and other low nutrient carbohydrates, when trying to lose weight, can be difficult to withstand and will certainly lead to the all-too-familiar cycle of fatigue, irritability, cravings, headaches, and the list goes on and on.

To our rescue: the products within the 24 Day Challenge bundle!

Here is your jump start to weight loss to give you the tools and will-power needed to have less withdrawal symptoms and lose weight the healthy way — and keep it off!  The 24 Day Challenge will help make you less dependent on chemicals and other low nutrient foods. Again, the familiar cycle of fatigue and cravings that come along with eating a poor diet can be addressed with better nutrition, sleep and exercise. The products that come with the 24 Day Challenge help to combat this and get your body working like a 12 year olds metabolism again!

Begin your weight loss now and ask how the 24 Day Challenge will help you!

Alpert, B. & Farris, P. (2013). The Sugar Detox.

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Sugar Addiction – Are You Addicted to SUGAR?

SugarWith the average American diet coming from sugar (AKA corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, syrup solids, malt syrup, just name a few), sugar addiction is no joke.  It is a very real thing that is sending 20 year olds into diabetic shock, 30 years are having heart attacks, and just about everyone is plagued by extreme fatigue and body weight issues.  So where should we begin to tackle this topic so you do not become a victim…


A few symptoms and health conditions that are associated with sugar addiction include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sleep problems, sinusitis, irritable bowel syndrome, high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, yeast infection, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.  For some of you, to hit it home the hardest, sugar triggers the release of excess insulin.  What does this mean to you? Increased insulin turns calories into fat.


TYPE 1: Hooked on “Energy Loan Shark” Drinks.

You are always exhausted and hooked on caffeine and sugar to get you going.  Good news is, sometimes all you need to kick this habit and get back to “normal” is improve nutrition, sleep, and exercise.  Who would have thought!

TYPE 2: Feed Me Now Or I Will Kill You.

Your adrenal glands are exhausted!  Life’s stress has got you irritable when hungry and you crash under stress. It is important to treat adrenal exhaustion and it’s a big topic.  For this, we need to focus on it individually.   Contact me now so we can begin getting you back to “normal,” get your metabolism working for you, and melt the fat off.

TYPE 3: The Happy Twinkie, Ice Cream, Donut, Hunter.

Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

AKA “Sugar Cravings”   These sugar cravings are caused by an overgrowth of yeast/candida.  For those with chronic nasal congestion, sinusitis, spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, among others, treating yeast overgrowth is crucial.  Learn how to eat-clean and solve all these problems.

TYPE 4: Depressed and Craving Carbs.

Sugar cravings are caused by your period, menopause, andropause (male menopause). With hormones all over the place, this sends your body into “freak out” mode and hence the craving for carbs are sometimes impossible to withstand and the entire bag of Oreo’s goes into your belly in 10 minutes! It is important to understand WHY this happens so you can control it from happening.

Which type of sugar addict are you?


I stole this quiz from Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, who wrote the book, “From Fatigue to Fantastic.”  I thought his simplistic and real approach was just want some of you needed…a reminder of what is holding you back from reaching fabulous goals!  Add up your points below in each category and see where you fall…

Do you feel tired much of the time?
Do you need coffee to get going in the morning?
What is the average number of OUNCES of caffeinated drinks you consume daily?
Add 2 points for each ounce
Do you repeatedly crave sweets or caffeine?
Are you gaining weight or having trouble losing it?
Score 1 point for every 2lbs gained over the past 3 years.
What is your total score for TYPE 1?
0-30: No problem!
31-50: You need to follow particular steps to help restore your energy production.
Over 50: You are a sugar and caffeine junkie.
Are you very irritable when hungry?
Is life often a crisis to you? Be honest:)
Do you enjoy the rush of energy you feel in a crisis?
What is your total score for TYPE 2?
0-24: You are probably a Type B “low-key” personality with healthy adrenals.
25-34: You are most likely developing early stages of adrenal fatigue. Stay tuned for next week when we discuss adrenal fatigue and how to combat it.
35-65: This suggests moderate adrenal exhaustion.
Do you have chronic nasal congestion or sinusitis?
Do you have spastic colon or IBS?
have you taken antibiotics for more than 2 consecutive months, or more than 3 times in a 12-mo period?
Have you been treated for acne with antibiotics for more than 1-mo or longer?
Have you had a fungal infection that was difficult to treat?
Do you have postnasal drip or clear your throat often?
Do you have food allergies?
What is your total score for TYPE 3?
If your total score is higher than 50 points, you are a likely candidate for having yeast/candida overgrowth.
Have you had a hysterectomy or ovarian surgery?
Do you have decreased vaginal lubrication?
Do you have a decreased sex drive?
In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods),experience noticeably worse:Insomnia? Headaches? Fatigue?
15 point for each
In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods), experience noticeably worse hot flashes or night sweats?
What is your total score for TYPE 4?
If you scored 50 or higher, it could be the result of inadequate testosterone levels. Even if a blood test came back normal, press on and get checked.

Let me know your scores and we will work together on how to fix it!  In a weird kind of way, I can’t wait to hear what kind of SUGAR ADDICT you are;-) Email me now at!

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