Posts Tagged cardio

4 Mistakes You Make in the Gym (#1)

Mistake #1: Being cardio-obsessed

cardio obsessed

Cardio-Obsessed? Doesn't look like much fun, does it.

Did you miss mistake #2 from yesterday? Get it here. 

When it comes to strength training, your fear of turning into Hulk Hogan is completely unwarranted. Let me repeat: You will NOT turn into Hulk Hogan by lifting weights a few times a week, there is a lot more that goes into it.

The chances that you are that genetically gifted are slim to none. The bottom line is that strength training burns major calories both during and after your workout. We also have to remember how much muscle plays a role in our metabolism in that:

Muscle DOES burn more calories at rest than fat

Muscle DOES give your body the shape you are going after, lifts, and defines

A client of mine, once she started noticing how much stronger she was getting as her muscles became ‘alive’ again, once put it to me this way….”My muscles are like a total body corset!” I think she got it right;-)

How do we fix this mistake: Go heavy! To build muscle, you have to wear it down — and not by doing 100 reps with a 3-pound weight. Incorporate AT LEAST one day of strength training into your routine where you do moves with a weight that is heavy enough that you can only complete 8 to 10 reps per set.

Did you make it to the gym a minimum of 3 times this week?  You still have time…finish the week off strong, remember what you learned this week and stay away from the ‘4 Mistakes You Make in the Gym.’ If you are just tuning in to the TrainWithJess Blog or missed it, get it here!


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That’s my take after reading the article that states, “Nutrition is by far the most important, weight training is next, and the “C” word is a distant third.”  Can you guess what the “C” word is before you read…

This article might be a little intense for some so please take caution.  I am sharing this article because it is honest, to the point, and the information is spot-on! Enjoy the article for the sake of gaining knowledge and doing something right for your body! Print it out and read it while doing cardio;-)

Read the article here 


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